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• Where are the windows and doors and skylights, how large are they and how efficient?
• What kind of heating and cooling system? Does it have ducts? Where are the ducts located? Is it gas or electric?
• How much insulation is there, what type and where is it?
• What are the ventilation strategies for the building?
• How air tight is the home?...and much more...
The model allows comparisons of
different design and construction choices on energy use. The model is our guide to getting to
net zero.
Getting to net zero requires an energy model that generates a HERS Score. A HERS score is just that...a "score" or a "rating" of how energy efficient a building is modeled to be. The HERS score is a comparison of the proposed design of a building to the exact same house built to the current building code (often referred to as a "code built home").
If the building as designed models to use the same energy as a code built home HERS = 100.
The U.S. Department of Energy has determined that a typical resale home scores 130 on the HERS Index while a standard new home is awarded a rating of 100.
If the building as designed models to use 15% less energy than a code built home HERS = 85.
If the building as designed models to use 50% less energy than a code built home HERS = 50.
If the building as designed models to use 100% less energy than a code built home HERS = 0 = NET ZERO!